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All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Winter Car Tips

Welcome to Minnesota's winter, a snowfall of 8 inches plus averages once every 2 years. The winter wonderland can look magnificent, but also poses significant dangers when traveling. Taking a little extra time for your daily route is needed when road conditions are bad, but there are a few more tips we would like to pass along!

1. Keep your gas tank in your vehicle above the halfway point. To avoid freezing the tank or gas lines.

2. Keep a snow scraper handy in the vehicle.

3. Keep a pair of warm boots, gloves, and a blanket in the trunk.

4. Have an emergency automobile safety kit, AAA and others make handy first aid kits for the winter.

5. Travel at safe speeds. It seems obvious but keep a safe distance between the cars in front of you. 

6. Tow ropes, in case you get stuck.

7. Jumper cables, in case the battery dies.

8. A utility knife, a pocketknife always comes in handy.

9. A high caloric non-perishable food item, such as a candy bar.

10. A collapsible shovel, and sand. Sand for traction and the added weight, and the shovel in case you get stuck.


There are multiple hazards on the roads, and it is nearly impossible to prepare for them all. Hopefully these 10 tips are a great start, and let us know if we can elaborate on any of these topics. Happy Holidays, and a happy New Year from your friends at A.T.C. Agency!